Monday, May 20

Little Things to be proud of when feeling suicidal (Form Zipper to Googler)

               A few nights ago a smart-ass friend of mine almost made a fool out of me when he told me that he was so fed up with life that he was going to kill himself. Well, I lost a friend a year ago when he committed suicide. So immediately, I believed him and started the long process of convincing him to not to die. I’m sure he was laughing his ass off at me with this mean joke. I tried explaining him how things he has done mean something and he is important. Honestly, I found very few (no offence dude). Then I thought maybe I’m not pondering enough on this subject. So, I began thinking about things that we do that are meaningful and worthy of praise. Since we are the people of this money-centric society, we don’t engage in significant social works, do we? Anyway, let’s focus on the subject here. What if you feel suicidal? You can just think about it from the little things I’ve listed that can make you feel valuable.

1.       The Chain

The most interesting and embarrassing one on the list is ‘The Chain’. You know sometimes you get out of the house in a jolly good mood and head off to college or a gathering or just a walk in the park and you see people notice you, heads turning and people smiling and you don’t have a god damn clue about what’s going on and suddenly you notice (or are notified) that your zipper is open with your underpants on public display. It’s a whole new level of disgrace and to top it off, you don’t get to zip it right there because there are too many people and greater risk of people seeing you. You can feel your face coloring and you’re utterly hopeless. Trust me it’s more embarrassing than falling flat on your ass because you don’t know how many people have seen you with your ‘door open’. I’ve been there. Quite a few times actually. I’m sure you have been there too. So guys you can help such a bloke someday by pointing it out (not literally of course) Call them to a corner and tell them without laughing or it looks like you’re making fun of the person. Even if it is a little bit embarrassing for you, you’ll have saved the person from a lot more of it.

2.       The Cat

People (even of my generation) believe that its bad luck or bad omen if a cat crosses the road and you be the first person to cross its path. I don’t believe this ridiculous thing so whenever people in front of me stop; I just walk straight crossing the cat’s path with a smug look, watching other’s face notice my bravery. Of course I feel sick when these people stop and wait for another person to carry their bad luck (Assuming it really exists). Letting others take your fall knowingly is a disgusting thing to do. I just cross the cat’s path so that those conservative son-of-a-bitches can get along with their pathetic little life. Of course they won’t thank you later but you can feel good about it because you have let someone have a good day with the belief that the bad luck is not hovering over their head. Now do this sometime and the next time you’re about to kill yourself, I will have saved you with this. See, I got another thing to feel good about!

3.       The Headlight

This moment lasts just a second or two but it helps people in some way. You would be                surprised to know how many people drive with their bike’s head light glowing like a Christmas tree on broad daylight! I don’t know if they are plain stupid or they are in search of an honest man like Diogenes of Sinope (He used to walk around with a lamp in search of an honest man during the day. No! I’m not telling you the details. Should have paid attention in history class). So, in the split second when you’re on the road and notice such an idiot, you can shout ‘Headlight!’ and he will get the clue and shut it. You can be proud of this little thing because you have just saved some electricity (Being a Nepali we understand its importance better, don’t we?) He might have run out of batteries on a cold scary night and drove straight into the river (like my one friend) because he couldn’t see the road ahead. You saved him from a major embarrassment. Of course no one will drown in the rivers of the city. They are too filthy for drowning. Maybe the person might die of the smell instead :D) Anyway, he won’t thank you for that but still you have done a good thing. Who knows, he may return the favor someday in the same way or other.

4.       The Seat

The moral compass of whoever put the seat quota for women and disabled in buses and microbuses must have been severely broken at the time when they put this rule because I don’t see a lot of people standing up and willingly giving their seat. I see the people looking out the window instead. The lawmakers should have thought of the moral status of people before making this stupid rule that no one cares to follow. Anyway, if you’re in the odd lot who gives up the seat with their heart, be glad because you’re among a few humans with the rare quality called humanity left in you. Congratulations! And there’s a bonus too for this one. You get thanked. (Finally!)

5.       The Like

This is a simple one. If you like something about somebody or something about somebody’s something, just say it or ‘like’ it on social networks. You don’t even have to say it nowadays. Making others feel good and feeling good about it yourself is just a click away. You know, writers, artists and other creative people crave for praise. The most important thing for us lot is that someone notices our work and praises it. (Meaning: Praise me a lot and you are my favorite person in the whole world.) But this ‘like’ thing applies to 99.99% of the population. One like or comment on their photos or status means a lot to a lot of people. Hell, some people even text me requesting to like his/her photos. One of my friend’s friend miscalls him when she has uploaded a new photo and doesn’t stop until he has liked it on Facebook. And afterwards she completely forgets his existence until another upload. How pathetic is that? I have seen people look in the mirror more than usual when he or she is praised about his/her body part or compatibility with a certain dress. So keep praising and make others happy and be glad about it. Who knows? The person may praise you in return and make you happy.

6.       The Same thing

You see, when you go out on blind dates, you come back and think about the things that you both have in common, and you both like. ‘The Same Thing’ is about this type of mutual likeness. People like being around with people with similar values and beliefs. Its human nature. People like being supported. They like it when someone supports what they say and keeps a similar opinion about the subject. They like being part of something. They like being accepted so if you want to do another good deed, just tell them that you feel the same way about whatever the other person is talking about. If you contradict their opinion, you are bound to be disliked by the person or group (especially if you’re trying to make a first impression). Of course it doesn’t work all the time and do not say that to a person if he/she is doing self-mockery or worse. Like:

The guy- “I’m such an idiot man.”
You- “I feel the same way about you man.”
The guy- “I think I’m gonna leave my family and disappear.”
You- “Ya dude. I will support you anyway.”
The guy - “Dude. My father is such a dick. I think I’m gonna kill him.”
You - “Great idea! How can I help?”

So, stop correcting everything and start supporting and feel good about what you have done to make someone joyful. (God! I’m turning from funny to preachy. What the fuck is wrong with me?)

7.       The Googler

Now this is an interesting one. People like being admired. Not praised like in no. 5 but admired. I’ll give you an example: When a guy or a girl walks by who clearly is trying to show off his new watch which enhances his personality or her new dress and how amazingly it fits her but acts like he/she doesn’t care about other’s opinion. Just look at them and notice what they are trying to show (or stare. It doesn’t matter till you give your attention to them) they feel good about it. They finally have something in their worthless uninteresting life to be proud of. This is true for everyone so don’t try denying it. Mostly bikers, people at wedding procession, the guy with the new car or dress, the dancer etc fall in the category. Don’t tell me- “I don’t do that. People just notice me when I am around.” Or “I don’t like/want to be noticed” (Unless you’re a Russian spy on a mission to kill all the stupid politicians of Nepal. If you are then you don’t worry. We support you heavily on that.) So go out and stare (I mean notice) at some good looking things and feel good about it. And don’t stare at ‘the chain’. It’s embarrassing!

8.       The listener

I’ve got this notebook where I keep the quotes that I like and read it when I feel confused or bewildered. In it, there’s a quote – “The most skillful flattery is to let a person talk on and be a listener.” Yes, I believe it. Every word. If someone is expressing some opinion on something, just listen to them with a smile and the person feels like he is Alexander the Great all powerful and influential. If someone gives some attention to what you’ve got to say, you love it. So in every group there are listeners and speakers. There is one or two person who talks and talks all the time and others listen and comment on the subject occasionally. If you want to praise a non-stop speaker, you don’t even have to open your mouth. Just listen to him/her or pretend to be listening and they want you as their friend for the rest of their lives. If the person is too damn irritating, don’t follow this advice though or you’ll want to kill yourself and me after a while.
                 So guys, I think that doing these insignificant things and being proud of it seems pitiful but in the grand scheme of things in this vast universe, doing little things like these ultimately determine how human we are. It’s what makes us different from animals and machines.
So………… that’s it then. This long episode of giving advice is finally over. Phew… what a relief. One I wrote an article of 1000 words and my friend said in the comment that he felt like he was reading Mahabharata. Hope it has not been a boring Mahabharata at all. See you soon on other articles. Thanks for sticking to this till the end.
-          Pusain Sid

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