An interesting thing happened today in the micro. I was
coming home after a tiring long day at the office and this girl with flaming
red hair was sitting on the first seat of the micro bus. I was sitting a little
behind on the seat placed sideways. I had just gotten up and was brainstorming
on the plot of a story that I was working on and she was looking here and there
in awe with her pink mask on.
When the rest of the front facing seats were occupied, the
conductor asked her to sit sideways on her seat so that people can sit on the
long seat just behind the driver. He said politely- “Sister, please sit
sideways like this.” She seemed confused and he explained –“People need to get
in there so they can sit. So please…..” And a rather interesting thing happened.
She looked at the conductor and laughed as if he had suggested some highly
absurd thing. She was utterly surprised which was showing on her fair face. She
took off her mask and looked behind and grinned at no one in particular. I was
totally appalled with her and I am sure this was the thought that crossed
everyone’s mind on the micro bus- Which
planet did this creature come from who thinks that sitting on that particular
seat was so comical.
Writers find their character subjects in the most bizarre places
and in bizarre events. I found one woman who was so irritating that a frog
croaking for the last 300 years would be irritated of her in 3 minutes. We were
on a micro as well and she abused me and a couple of more people in all ways
possible. Physically, verbally and mentally. Well, that isn’t the weirdest
incident that ever happened to me in a micro bus. Once I was on the micro in
the same seat as today and 3 girls were sitting at the last seat. They were
continually looking at my side and laughing. I was totally embarrassed and
thrilled to have the undivided attention of 3 beautiful girls. At Thamel, I got
off and went straight to college wondering what on earth those lovely girls were
giggling about. I found out soon enough in the toilet that my frontal door had
been wide open for public display all along. I cursed with the f word countless
times then and there and for many days to come. Still, I check my door lock every
time I get on anything with four wheels or legs.
Anyway, today when I saw that red headed girl smiling at people
wiggling to slouch uncomfortably , I thought what a stupid girl she was. We don’t
get everything we want. Such stupidity and foolishness. And suddenly I realized
that I wanted to be that kind of stupid. I also wanted to be in such a place
where you would have to feel strange when people travelled like that. I wish we
all could be that stupid.
9:56 PM
1 comment:
I found one woman who was so irritating that a frog croaking for the last 300 years would be irritated of her in 3 minutes. hahaha.I found this line very interesting and funny.
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