Thursday, April 18

Strange people I've known --------- 4

After a long interval I have returned with Strange People I've Known. There was a sister-friend of mine .I was in my mamaghar in my childhood. I stayed and studied there for years when I came to be close to her. Actually, my mamaghar was just next to hers and I am a distant relative to her. She was older than me and economically very poor. But still we were close because I didn’t have any other friends at home. I don’t remember much but she was the one who taught me a lot of mischiefs. We did some together. But I was a very stubborn one. I was ghamandi and I was warned not to talk 2 her because she was a bit careless in study and she used to go wherever she wished. Even her parents didn’t care. They never did care. I mean her mother wanted to but due to her own complications she couldn’t. Her father was a drunkard and was never concerned about her. I didn’t use to give her to touch what was mine and I used to hit her too. And I deeply regret it even today. But she never laid her hand on me. Even if I was smaller than her, she never touched me. Maybe she was scared of my grandparents who loved me very much and my aunt who loved me so much that once she beat a boy to death just for touching me.  I didn’t ever understand why she was so careless and at the same time she was careful with me. Maybe she was attached to me because she had no brother. But even when I hit her badly(since I had a violent temper), she didn’t mind. I lost her some years back. She was murdered in cold blood. And the killer was her own husband. She was a week from delivering her child when that bastard threw her from the Bridge of Seti River along with the unborn child. He is now rotting  behind bars. And I always pray god to punish him for it. And I morn for her death but am grateful that she got relieved of all the troubles and tensions of the world. Rest in Peace my strange sister.

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