Wednesday, August 7

How Facebook ruined 'Friendship' and Civilization

Note: What I am about to write may hurt a few people. Sorry folks if I hurt you with this. Especially those who tagged me on facebook. I am sure you tagged me with the best of intentions but the truth is what I believe and support . So here it is:

I got many tags in Facebook this Friendship day. It felt good. I hit like on some and commented on some. Then I laughed. I thought- 'What the hell is wrong with this world? Where have we arrived?"
I distinctly remember going to places with my friends a few years back. We used to have a lot of fun. We sang, danced, and pulled each other's legs with mean jokes and their nicknames. It was always fun. Look at us now. We tag each other in photos that we think show our friendship. Show our friendship? Cant we just tell them- I'm glad that we are friends? I bet 95% of you reading this post didn't phone a single bloody friend to wish them on that day. I bet 1% didn't meet up with friends to enjoy their company. We are too lazy and too familiar with our friends. The joy of meeting a friend accidentally on the road or someplace else after a long time has now vanished with Facebook and other social media. I can’t find things to talk about now because we meet every day online. I mostly have more than 20 friends (Facebook has told us that they are in fact our friends. I highly doubt that a simple request and a click to confirm it qualifies to 'being friends') online, sometimes they reach 50 and I don’t have a single person to talk to about anything. They don’t start the conversation and neither do I. That’s social media’s idea of connecting people. They connect us and I think they have connected us too well. They have done their job too well.

But no matter how we curse them, we can't leave them, can we? Hell, I couldn't. Maybe we can try leaving them slowly. Like losing a smoking habit. Maybe we can turn the tables and maybe we can create few Picassos and Einsteins or maybe some Shakespheres or even Mozarts. We watch many success stories on YouTube and feel awed by them but what about our story? The one that we care the most about. Yes, the people who realized their dreams did it. See it, be inspired, get up and get to work. Don’t just click on another video and spend hours ogling at the screen admiring other’s talents. It’s about time we identified our talents and did something or else we will be just 'some guy/girl' who even our grand children will not remember for long.

Social media is disturbing and distracting us from making ourselves better. Isn't that the reason for our existence? Isn’t that what civilization thrives for? All these things the social medias are doing is THEIR reason for existence and we are falling for this addictive nonsense that has a great many cons than pros. Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know. They have bright sides too. But I think the light shining on that side is too dim compared to the condescending darkness on the other end. They are charming us to darkness and believe me when I say this, civilization is at the brink of collapse here. We will doom ourselves soon.

2013-08-07 Wednesday
10:57 PM


Unknown said...

we surely will doom ourselves very soon!

Unknown said...

Yeah....Think about what our children will be doing at our age. They will be overgrown with overload of unnecessary information....

Saroj said...

Connection for the selection, that's what Facebook :P

Unknown said...

Zukenberg Invented a TECHNO-DRUG.BE aware GUYZ..Sid i agree with u dude but there is a wise use of FB too.But who wants to be wise these days right?Many people wants to look smart:D:D